Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday Afternoons...

Today is Nichiyobi, or Sunday. I took a photo-documentary of my afternoon today, as requested by my parents! My main mode of transportation around Yamanashi City is my bike- there we are! I tried to get my bike in the picture, but he wasn't cooperating. I haven't named him yet...

This afternoon I visited a place called "Off-House", which is basically Japan's Goodwill. I have enough of my mother in me to live up to the phrase "One man's trash is another man's treasure!" I found some goodies at the Off-House! Finally- a complete set of small bowls, complete with lids and a serving tray. I don't think they have ever been used! Also- a set of drinking glasses. They are so me- colorful!! I'm really excited about these, because all my dishes before were one-sies, in other words- nothing matched anything else!

Autumn is becoming my favorite season. The weather is perfect, it was probably mid-70's and sunny today. This is a road near my house. These trees are "persimon trees." Persimon is the orange fruit, I don't think we have these in the States; they taste sweet, with a sort of apple texture.

I caught a cute family on a Nichiyobi bike-ride. Look at that little cherub!!

After the Off-House I went to D2, which is a big home store. You can buy nearly anything there! I bought a small pot, and some Taiyaki...

This was my lunch after D2. The fish is the Taiyaki. Taiyaki is a snack thats a waffle outside and has sweet bean paste in the middle. Its so yummy!! I dipped it in my milkshake! I'm a dipper!!

THEN- hit up the grocery store, called Ichiyama. "Ichi" means "one," and "yama" means "mountain." I guess the grocery store is called "One Mountain." Cool. Here are some pics of the isles and food options.

Notice the "Happy Halloween" sign in the picture above. They think its cool to "celebrate" Halloween... or at least have the icons present.

Shopping makes me tired, so I came home and read my bible and prayed- so rejuvenating!

GUESS WHAT?? I prayed for an opportunity to share Jesus' love with my neighbor. Then I took her some candy corn and Dove chocolate (courtesy of my package from home!) and she invited me to go on a walk tonight! GOD IS FAITHFUL TO ANSWER PRAYER!!! I am so excited to continue building my relationship with her. She speaks mostly Japanese, so communication is limited, but God is bigger than language barriers!!!

Hope ur having an awesome day!


1 comment:

MOlly said...

wow what an answer to prayer! I would love to hear about the walk and what happened! God is so good!