Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Yamanashi Life- Part II

We have lived in Yamanashi (again) since March 19.  Its been 4.5 weeks since we moved back here and so much has happened!  Here are some high lights!

Adeng is working as the Assistant Pastor at New Life International Church.  We named the first floor of our house "Barnabas House," after a building on Adeng's seminary campus.  We are using the first floor (tatami and large dining/kitchen) for student ministry.  We started a Friday night event called TGI Friday (Thank God It's Friday).  We invite a group of college students over for snacks, singing, games, and talking. We plan to do this every week, and have done 3 so far. 

God has shown Adeng favor here:  He received a 6 month extension on his VISA, we are so thankful. At Eiwa College, he met the chaplain and received permission to help with Chapel and religious activities on campus.  He will lead an Alpha course for Chinese students, and sometime start a Bible study for Japanese students (or Chinese, but it will be in Japanese).  We live about 10 minutes from Eiwa College, walking. 

Today was a wonderful day because God shown us divine favor again: I passed my driving test on the FIRST try!  That is unheard of in Yamanashi!!  I'm so thankful because all the people at the Driving Center were so nice and helpful.  Now I can drive myself to work everyday.  I am teaching kindergarten at an international school. Most of the students are from India, which is a new cultural experience for me.  I am very challenged and very tired every night, but I am liking it more and more every day.  My students are adorable. There are 12 of them.  :)