Friday, January 20, 2012

Hello! How are you?

Those are the words that begin each lesson of my teaching career in Takatsu Christ's Church.
I started teaching English there last August, and I will already finish in March.  Six months is just long enough to get to know your students- sadly now I have to leave them.  First of all- if YOU live in Chiba, anywhere near Yachiyo City,  and YOU want to teach English to some wonderful people starting in March, contact me!  Mr. Kobayashi, the pastor of Takatsu Christ's Church and my boss, is looking fervently for the next teacher.
At this English conversation school, I've learned how to teach conversational English to adults, and how to differentiate private lessons for children.  Flexibility is not an option; its mandatory!  I'm well on my way to becoming "Elasti-Girl" from The Incredibles.

This was the perfect job for me to have while Adeng is still in seminary.  I knew he "needed" me to help him by being at home to cook/launder/clean/clean/clean... Ok, TimeOut!- BIG applause, whistles and bells, and an " 'At a boy, Adeng!" to him! He has worked SO hard this year!!!
Anywho- this job provided exactly what we needed financially, and what I needed to keep my sanity.
Here are some snaps of me teaching in the church... however, the "differentiation" I have learned isn't pictured.  During the children's classes we only spend 1/2 the time, maybe less, sitting at the table. Otherwise we are singing, playing games, and using toys to learn English. I've found this to be so much more realistic for them; they've come to enjoy English lessons because it's not rote study.  It IS applicable conversation, and they are really gettin' sharp! 

We practice pronunciation...

...celebrate birthdays...

...make Christmas cards...

...dress rehearsal for the Christmas party!  They sang Joy to the World and We Wish You a Merry Christmas in English. 

They are singing "Silent Night" with sign language, but in Japanese...

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